Company and Team

About us

Group of experts

Knowledge, experience and expertise throughout the team.

Innovative technology

To overcome key pain points and broaden access to ultrasound.

The company

Who are we?

GeoNomy is a company founded around 3 proficiencies:
  • A surgeon facing medical ultrasound needs without specific training in this field
  • A data scientist engineer
  • A physician specialized in the development of medical products, from their conception to market launch

And an observation:
Ultrasound is currently undergoing a true revolution in terms of equipment with the emergence of ultra-portable products that are quite simply probes connected to devices that we all already own, such as smartphones or tablets.

Even though having such power in one’s pocket is now technically possible for all health care professionals, the interpretation and understanding of ultrasound images still remains the specialist’s domain.

With ultrasound, even more than other medical imaging modalities, the ability to automatically interpret images as they are being produced has the power to change the way medicine is practiced.

We created GeoNomy at the end of 2021 to address this difficulty in interpreting ultrasound images by developing an application that deciphers the images for the operator from any ultrasound machine as the examination unfolds.

This platform is capable not only of describing anatomical structures encountered but also discriminating normal or pathological features.


The team

Medical and AI experts team up to improve health care

In our first year, the entire necessary infrastructure to achieve our ambition has been put in place by bringing together internal stakeholders and enthusiastic and committed external partners who bring together medical, scientific, regulatory, intellectual protection, certification, deep learning / AI, financial, and development engineering skills.

Our philosophy

Make ultrasound diagnoses accessible to everyone within often critical timeframes.

Our mission

Give health care professionals the tools to meet their patients’ needs every single day.

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon
Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital
Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologist

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis
Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon
Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital

Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologist

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis

Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon
Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital

Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologist

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis

Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon
Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital

Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologists

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis

Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon

Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital

Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologist

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis

Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team

Sébastien Kolmer

doctor of medicine / surgeon

Co-founder – CEO/CMO

François Miquel

data scientist engineer

Co-founder – CSO

Stefan J. Scherer

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

CEO 3T Biosciences

Co-founder – Business Development Consultants

Advisory board

Didier Mutter

doctor of medicine / Ph.D.

Director General of Strasbourg Hospital

Pierre Hauptmann

medical doctor / radiologist

Expert in breast cancer diagnosis

Muriel Pernot


Expert in nerve ultrasound

The team's contribution

GeoNomy's physician specialists are working to improve AI

GeoNomy was built on a strong medical DNA, but especially adapted to ultrasound.

Indeed, when we talk about ultrasound, we face a world without archived imaging data for training AI algorithms, unlike other medical imaging techniques such as CT, MRI, or x-ray imaigng. Collecting this data must therefore be carried out in real time, during real examinations with real patients and real diseases, often in the midst of an extremely demanding workflow for the sonographer.

To capture the necessarily massive data set, to annote and label images, requires being an integral part of the medical environment and to have developed dedicated digital tools for these functions.

This also places us at the center of the medical need and at the source of developing accuracy, error margins, and acceptability of the solutions we develop.

Our collaborations

Our partners

Throughout our journey, we have worked with subcontractors who have evolved into partners. Motivation and enthusiasm for our solution have become the main driving force behind our collaboration. Among our partners, we count specialized medical technology companies, research centers, hospitals and clinics, as well as regulatory and certification experts. Each partner brings a unique and complementary expertise to our project, advancing our mission to make ultrasound diagnosis accessible to all.